Seamless Pricing Solution for Dream Mall with Treesal

Published On: 21.06.2023
Dream Mall, Multi-branch Supermarket.
Integrated Price Checker System Development.
Real-time Price Checking Software.

The Background

Dream Mall, one of the largest supermarkets with over four branches in the city, faced a daunting challenge. With a colossal inventory and a massive daily customer base, the management of product pricing was an uphill task. They required a sizeable staff to handle pricing inquiries and had to invest significant effort in updating price labels. This cumbersome process was not only time-consuming but also affected customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

The Challenge

Dream Mall’s primary hurdles were:

  1. High manpower requirement for managing pricing inquiries.
  2. Inefficiency and effort involved in regular price updates.

The Solution

To streamline the pricing process, Treesal introduced a modern, tech-savvy solution—a Price Checker system integrated with Dream Mall’s existing product management software. This innovative system would pull prices directly from the software, eliminating the need for manual synchronization. With a sleek and modern design, the Price Checker system was a game-changer for Dream Mall.

The Impact

The implementation of Treesal’s Price Checker system led to:

  1. Increased Customer Satisfaction: Customers could now check prices swiftly, enhancing their shopping experience.
  2. Improved Operational Efficiency: With less need for staff to manage pricing inquiries and label updates, operations became more streamlined.


With the successful implementation of the Price Checker system, Treesal demonstrated how technological innovation could transform everyday challenges into seamless operations. Dream Mall now enjoys smoother operations and higher customer satisfaction, serving an enormous number of customers across its branches each day. If your business faces similar challenges and you’re looking for a tech partner to improve your processes, Treesal is ready to help. Let’s work together to make your business operations smooth and efficient.